
Per Article V ยง2., of the Constitution of the Education Law Association, the President, with the advice and approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the chair and members of each of the standing committees from the Education Law Association members. President may also establish ad hoc committees and appoint members to them. Each committee shall be co-chaired by at least one board member and one general membership member. Every effort shall be made to have one of the co-chairs be a new co-chair to that committee to create opportunities for diverse members to take active leadership roles. Furthermore, every committee should have representation from all constituencies to ensure representative input. Any committee that generates expenses and/or revenue must submit a proposed budget to the Budget and Finance Committee for review and, upon recommendation by the Budget and Finance Committee, final approval by the Board.

Viewing all groups that are Committees

Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 groups

  • Group logo of Awards Committee

    Awards Committee

    Public Committee

    The Awards Committee shall provide overall management of the Education Law Association awards process and coordination among its several subcommittees that shall be responsible for managing nominations and selecting recipients of each of ELAโ€™s awards. The subcommittees, their duties and functions, and the guidelines for the awards are set forth below. Each subcommittee may recommend revisions to the Bylaws regarding its award to the Board of Directors via the Awards Committee.

  • Group logo of Budget and Finance Committee

    The Budget and Finance Committee shall advise the Executive and Managing Directors and the Board on budgeting, financial management, and oversight. This shall include assisting other standing committees in building budgets for review and approval. The projected expenses and revenues will be reflected in the Education Law Association budget. To that end, the Treasurer shall ensure that the Budget and Finance Committee is represented on the Membership, Conference, Publications, and Outreach/Partnerships Committees to facilitate financial reporting and oversight. The committee shall review its written policies and procedures annually and, when needed, make recommendations for revisions to the Board for approval.

  • Group logo of Community Engagement Committee

    The Community Engagement Committee shall assist with the social learning community at, mobile app, social media, audio/visual productions, social networking, and other aspects of the Association that are designed to connect internal and external constituencies. As needed, the Committee shall develop and update protocols and guidelines that govern the Associationโ€™s online community interactions and make those recommendations to the Board. Similarly, the Community Engagement Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s policies and procedures. The Community Engagement Committee shall work closely with the Membership Committee and Education Committee to seek membership input regarding areas of education law interest and to facilitate the creation of learning communities and other forms of membership engagement around those areas of interest. The Committee also shall advise the Board on how the […]

  • Group logo of Conference Committee

    Conference Committee

    Public Committee

    The Conference Committee shall plan for the activities of the annual meeting, including solicitation of proposals and identification of presenters at general and special sessions and pre-conferences. The Conference Committee shall seek Board approval on a conference theme. The Conference Co-Chairs, appointed by the President, shall select committee members who will review proposals, help prepare for the conference, and help promote the conference. The Committee chair shall work with the Executive Managing Directors to prepare preliminary and final conference materials. The Conference Committee co-chairs for the following year shall be appointed by the President-elect during the current year and shall, to the extent they can, serve as committee members for the current year.

  • Group logo of Education Committee

    Education Committee

    Public Committee

    The Education Committee shall plan onsite and online programs for professional development, continuing legal education, and curating teaching and learning resources. The Education Committee shall work closely with both the Membership Committee and Community Engagement Committee to seek membership input regarding areas of education law interest and to facilitate the creation of professional development, learning communities, and other forms of membership engagement around those areas of interest. The Education Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

  • Group logo of Membership Committee

    Membership Committee

    Public Committee

    The Membership Committee, co-chaired by the President-Elect, shall work closely with the Executive and Managing Directors to identify and implement strategies to attract and welcome new members, as well as retain current members. The Membership Committee shall work collaboratively with the Community Engagement Committee and Education Committee to seek membership input regarding areas of education law interest and to facilitate the creation of learning communities and other forms of membership engagement around those areas of interest. The Membership Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the Classes of Membership under Article III of the bylaws and the fees to be charged for each. Similarly, the committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

  • Group logo of Nominating Committee

    Nominating Committee

    Public Committee

    The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of officers and directors for election at the annual business meeting. The Immediate Past President shall serve as the Co-Chair of the Nomination Committee. The members of the Nominating Committee must be appointed from among the Education Law Associationโ€™s past presidents and past members of the Board of Directors. Past members of the Board of Directors who are current members of the Nominating Committee shall not be considered for nomination to officer and director positions during their term on the Nominating Committee. The following considerations should guide the selection of the nominees. The committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

  • Group logo of Outreach & Partnership Committee

    The Outreach & Partnership Committee, formerly the Development Committee, shall work closely with the Executive and Managing Directors to build relationships with organizations, agencies, and individuals to extend its professional network and increase revenue and other resources. The committee shall solicit sponsorships, donations, grants, and pro bono services to decrease expenses and expand its membership services and benefits. The Education Committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

  • Group logo of Past Presidents Committee

    Past Presidents Committee

    Public Committee

    As chair, the Immediate Past President shall maintain contact with past Education Law Association presidents as an effort to keep them engaged, to seek input on topics of interest and importance, and to acknowledge their on-going contributions to the Education Law Association.

  • Group logo of Periodicals Committee

    Periodicals Committee

    Public Committee

    The Periodicals Committee shall seek contributing authors and appropriate content for and make recommendations to the Executive and Managing Directors and Board President for publishing the Education Law Associationโ€™s non-book publications. A periodical is defined as any article, blog, case brief, column, commentary, magazine, newsletter, or paper produced in partnership with Affiliate publishers, whether digitally or in print. Committee members will help shape the proposal submission and publishing workflow and help create new marketing strategies for promoting individual and institutional subscriptions. The committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

  • Group logo of Publications Committee

    Publications Committee

    Public Committee

    The Publications Committee shall review all proposals for publications and make recommendations to the Executive and Managing Directors and Board President for publication activities. The Publications Committee shall review the process for soliciting proposals, shall assess the timeliness and quality of Education Law Association publications, shall develop new publication initiatives and marketing strategies, and shall make recommendations to the Education Law Association President and Board related to current and future publications. The committee shall periodically review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the committeeโ€™s written policies and procedures.

Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 groups

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