Welcome to EducationLaw.org,
the social learning community of
the Education Law Association.
Please join us in Orlando, Florida, November 6-9, 2024. We will celebrate the association’s 70th birthday and the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision, Brown v. Board of Education, that found racially segregated public schools unconstitutional. Presenters will examine the impact of this landmark decision and evaluate trends in education law and its subdisciplines.

Dear Colleagues,
We’re thrilled to share that the social learning community at EducationLaw.org now has its own mobile app! You can find it on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
This will serve as the official app for our upcoming Reno-Tahoe conference. But don’t delete it after the event! Use the app to engage colleagues throughout the year.
Log in just as you would on EducationLaw.org and use the app on both smartphones and tablets.
Engage in social clubs, post updates, share academic content, and even create polls.
Enjoy member-only access to Sections and Periodicals.
Share your achievements, job postings, and publications in our Members’ News blog. Any reason to celebrate your accomplishments is a good one.

We look forward to learning with and from you!
Free access to EducationLaw.org, a social learning community.- Awards
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Special discounts for introductory members, students, and retirees.- Awards
- Book Proposal
- Bookstore
- Conference
- Social Clubs
- Paper Proposals
- Poster Proposals
- Roundtable Proposals
- Webinars
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- Leadership
- Members's Only Webinars
- Periodicals
- Ed Law Update
- Special Education Alerts
- Education Law Into Practice
- West’s Education Law Reporter

Melinda Scott Krei, Ph.D.
Researcher and Consultant

Allan Osborne, Ed.D.
Chair, Editorial Advisory & Authors Committees,
West's Education Law Reporter

Susan G. Clark, Ph.D., J.D.
Attorney and Professor

Paula E. Chan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Cleveland State University
David Dagley, Ph.D., J.D.
Robert Hendrickson, Ed.D.

Julie F. Mead, Ph.D.
Professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison