Reviewer Orientation

The following ten-minute training course prepares active members to serve as masked reviewers of award, book, course, event, and periodical proposals submitted to the Education Law Association.

The following ten-minute on-demand course orients active members on how to serve as peer reviewers for proposals submitted to the Education Law Association. The course explains the prerequisites for serving as a review, such as being an active member, signing the Leadership Code of Ethics, and understanding the Support Desk handbook articles. The course also includes brief demonstrations of how to access the proposal roundhouse and view proposals, review them, and add notes to applicants. Thank you for your service to the association.


Nate Walker


1791 Delegates

+1400 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons



All reviewers must be active members of the Education Law Association and sign the Leadership Code of Ethics.

Double-Masked Peer Review

Proposals submitted to the Education Law Association go through a double-masked peer-review process. This means applicants do not know the identity of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the applicant’s identity. The proposal portal does not permit any reviewer to review their own application.

Reviewers as Meaning Makers

Leaders of the Education Law Association work hard to create a warm, hospitable, and professional culture. When offering review comments, please use constructive and collegial language to inspire intellectual self-worth and professional development and motivate applicants to reach their full potential. We are intentional communicators. We are committed to creating a counterculture in a world that awards people for using demeaning language by making meaning with one another. Use the review comments as a teachable moment by lifting one another to higher ground. Your identity in this review process will remain anonymous, but remember your character is the applicant’s greatest teacher.

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