Proposal Portal

Welcome to the proposal portal for the social learning community at We encourage all members and guests of the association to volunteer to serve as a peer-reviewer.

Applicants: Please consider the following steps before submitting your application. 

Step 1. Choose a Proposal Type. Please identify which type of proposal you will be submitting and please limit one submission per type.

TypePurposeTemplatesReview Criteria
AwardAward proposals are nominations of self or others.Nomination letters must address award criteria
BookBook proposals include casebooks, yearbooks, single-and multi-authored books, and edited volumes.Coming soonComing soon
CourseCourse proposals include on-demand courses offered on for continuing legal education or professional development credit. Courses may attract particular audiences such as administrators, attorneys, educators, journalists, parents, or students.Download Course Proposal TemplateComing soon
EventEvent proposals include papers, roundtables, posters, and invited programs for the annual conference, as well as year-round webinars on, or mid-year seminars at a partner’s institution.Download the Updated Event Proposal Template (Updated March 23, 2023)Read Reviewer’s Rubric for Event Proposals (Updated March 30, 2023)
PeriodicalPeriodical proposals include columns, commentaries, and scholarly articles.See sample periodicalsComing soon

Step 2. Prepare a Professional Proposal. Use Microsoft Word to draft your proposal and submit it as a .docx file. Use copyediting tools to prepare an accurate proposal free of grammatical and typographical errors, such as using Grammarly to edit for correctness, clarity, engagement, delivery, and style. The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is the required style for all books, periodicals, and legal education courses, but we accept other citation systems for event proposals (e.g., Chicago, APA, MLA).

Step 3. Create Genuine Profiles. Before submitting your proposal, we require all contributors to create free accounts on and genuine profiles with headshots and biographies. If your proposal is approved, we may use the spelling of your profile name, headshot, title, affiliation, and biography in promotional materials.

Step 4. Confirm Originality. All proposals for all proposal types must be original. In the form you’ll be asked to confirm that your proposal has not been previously published in print or online and has not been presented at another professional event. This requirement helps us meet our standards for publishing, events, and continuing legal education programs.

Step 5. Remove Identifying Information. Except for award nominations, webinars, and invited proposals, all book, course, event, and periodical proposals go through a double-blind peer-review process, meaning the identities of the contributors and reviewers are hidden. Please remove all names, affiliations, and other identifying information from the proposal. Except for award nominations and invited proposals, submissions with identifying information will be rejected.

Step 6. Download Event/Conference Proposal Questions. If you are submitting an event/conference proposal, download and review with your co-contributors all questions that will be asked in the event proposal form.

Step 7. Submit Proposal or Award Nomination. Now you are ready to submit your proposal or award nomination!

Would you like some help? email your questions to, or call (833) ELA-1954. We look forward to supporting you.

Latest News & Updates

Conference Proposals Submission Deadline

Reminder: The deadline to submit proposals for the 2024 conference is April 30, 2024.

Membership Auto-Renew Option

You now have the option to turn on/off auto-renew for your membership.