
First Name *


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J.D., Ph.D.

Title *

Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs

Affiliation *

University of South Carolina

Location *

Columbia, SC

Handle *




Susan C. Bon, J.D, Ph.D., is an active leader in national organizations focused on education law, policy, and leadership, disability law (IDEA, ADA, Rehabilitation Act), values and ethics in education leadership, and personnel & employment decisions across the P-20 continuum. As a professor, she teaches and researches education and special education law, policy and leadership, has edited several books, and has authored and coauthored over 50 publications addressing the legal and ethical principles that inform administrative practice and impact leadership in education and special education. She currently has a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to prepare future special education leaders in South Carolina. Bon spent one year as a part-time Intern at the United States Education Department working on Title I, Part D (Neglected or Delinquent Youth), McKinney-Vento (EHCY), and Homeless Education Disaster Assistance (HEDA) Grant Programs. Her past experience also includes serving as coordinator of the Education Policy Fellowship program (EPFP) in Washington, D.C. and serving on several executive boards for non-profit organizations, including the Dream Project, which focuses on student success and access to higher education for immigrant students. Susan is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, Interim, in the College of Education. She also serves as the Faculty Civility Advocate, responsible for workplace bullying investigations, in the Provost’s office. Susan is immediate past-president of a national education law organization (Education Law Association) and has been an active board member, author, and editor of ELA publications. Prior to her university faculty service, she worked as the ombudsman in the State Superintendent’s Division of the Ohio Department of Education. She received her law degree and a doctorate in education policy and leadership from The Ohio State University.

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