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Title *

Treasurer, Education Law Association

Affiliation *

Special Advisor to the Budget Secretary

Location *

Harrisburg, PA

Handle *




Dr. Andrew Armagost is an experienced leader in education law, school finance and public policy with expertise in financial and quantitative analysis; legal research; drafting legislation; and policy development and review. He currently serves as the Director of Advocacy and Analytics at the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) and previously served as the Assistant Executive Director of the Education Committee in the Senate of Pennsylvania.

His role at PASBO links together professional development, research, and advocacy efforts on behalf of PASBO’s members. Dubbed the “king of spreadsheets”, his research aims to innovate analysis for a vast array of school finance data and law. As staff in the Senate of Pennsylvania, he worked with members of the Education Committee in drafting legislation and developing and analyzing state education policy. Educational leadership has been a cornerstone of his career, working with state legislators, school district administrators, attorneys, university professors, business leaders, and advocates. He has published several works related to a wide range of topics within the field of school finance and education law.

Dr. Armagost successfully completed the requirements for his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership at the Pennsylvania State University in addition to earning his M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and B.S. in Education and Public Policy from Penn State. He has been an active member of the Education Law Association and National Education Finance Academy since graduate school. As an undergraduate and graduate student, he served as teaching assistant for two courses, including “Teachers and the Law,” focusing on court cases ranging from First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment to contract and collective bargaining agreements. As an undergraduate student, he gained district-level administrative experience in policy development, working with a Superintendent to propose updates to school district board policies.

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